Jul 7, 2018

Shazam Encore Apk v8.6.3-180702 for Android

Salaam friends! Today we share Shazam Encore. For more such amazing posts Join Us. You can also get Us the on Facebook & Twitter.

Here you download the latest version of Shazam Encore Apk v8.6.3-180702 for Android. This app is listed in Music & Audio category of the App-store. You could visit Shazam Entertainment Limited's category to check others games/apps by developers. In this post, we provide apk file for 4.3 & above. We provide original & pure Modded files from the Internet.

Shazam is an excellent application that helps us find out the title of every song at the moment you're hearing it. The only thing you need to do is hold your Android phone close to the source of the sound & wait about five seconds for it to process the song. Right after, and without the need of being silent, the program will tell you the exact title of the song you were listening to. The database of the program recognizes songs from Kanye West to Frank Sinatra or Spice Girls. Nothing or almost nothing escapes the app, thanks to its huge music database. Shazam Encore is quite useful for music lovers, because you can often find yourself in a situation where you hear a song that you don't recognize. So with a simple movement, you place your phone close to the source of the sound to find out the title of the song & listen to it as much as you want.

Download the free Shazam Encore Apk files of your favorite app. Before downloading read the instruction properly and Share this App with your amazing friends. Download and install Shazam Encore Apk v8.6.3-180702 from the download links given below.

What's new in this version:

  • Thanks for Shazaming! We’re always working hard to make the app faster and better than ever. Update to the most recent version to enjoy the latest and greatest Shazam.
  • Don’t forget to keep your Shazams safe and in sync between your devices. Simply create an account and we’ll back up your Shazams so you’ll never lose them.
  • Love the app? Rate us! Your feedback is music to our ears, and it helps us make Shazam even better. Got a question? Visit support.shazam.com.

How to Install Shazam Encore Apk?

  1. Uninstall the previous version of the app from your device.
    Note: Backup previous version before deleting it. Skip this step if you are installing the game for the first time or if you are installing only the Apk file.
  2. Go to Settings > Security and Enable "Unknown Sources" option on your Android device to manually install the game from outside Google Play Store via external links.
  3. Install Apk file from the download link below and save it on your device’s internal memory or external SD card.
  4. Open any file manager app on your device or the location where you saved the Apk file and tap on it to install game.
  5. Once complete, go to the app drawer and tap on the newly installed game’s icon and start playing.
  6. Done. Stay Tune for upcoming version only at Androidiapa.

Download Link Below:

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