The company Apple everything is fine. Its products in the tops of sales, consumer interest in each novelty is great, and capitalization in May reached $ 931 billion.
But everything ever ends. Remember Nokia.
Xiaomi’s combination of well-spec’ed phones and low price tags drove the company to over 60 million sales last year. That progress saw it replace Samsung as China’s top-selling smartphone company and become the world’s third top-selling phone maker in the process.
The reason is in Chinese. The company Xiaomi is developing incredibly high rates, and in all areas at the same time.Under the logo of the Chinese giant, more and more diverse products are coming out: smart phones, smart watches, TV sets, glasses, sneakers and much more. Some of them are excellent, some "Chinese" quality.
Xiaomi wants to capture the world. And he does it with menacing persistence.Here are a 5 reasons why Xiaomi can intercept the palm tree of the company from sunny California.
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1: A Huge Range Of Smartphones, Which Pleases
Great variety of Xiaomi Smartphones. To understand the entire line without a special instruction is problematic. But the advantage of such a bloated nomenclature is that any consumer will be able to find the perfect smartphone just for themselves.
One needs "shovels", the second give the budget "horse", the third is crazy about the frameless handsome. Everyone will find their own smartphone.
Apple in this regard does not spoil its customers. In the official store, you can choose, in fact, one of five versions of the iPhone. Count yourself.
- Revolutionary X
- Toddler iPhone SE
- iPhone 6s, submitted 3 (!) years ago
- Two versions of the iPhone 8 (or slightly simpler / cheaper - iPhone 7)
2: An Operating System That Is Good
Judging by the first beta versions of iOS 12, users in September are waiting for the long-awaited stable fast version of the mobile operating system from Apple. Without brakes and glitches. But Xiaomi also has something to answer. First, Android has long been pleased with its stability and reliability, and secondly, it offers extensive customization capabilities of the system. And the Chinese use it competently.
Beautiful software shell MIUI from Xiaomi makes Android a worthy rival of Apple. Here, and fine-tuning the interface, and work on autonomy, and deep integration with other gadgets Xiaomi, and advanced call screen.
Programmers of Xiaomi work out their rice before each grain!In the winter, my colleague Nikolai Maslov studied the proprietary Xiaomi operating system on the Android engine called MIUI 9 along and across. His review of the system can be read in a separate material.
Many users believe that MIUI is the only normal shell for Android. You can not disagree with them. Xiaomi makes a candy!
3: A Bunch Of Gadgets That Apple Does Not Have And Will Not
As I wrote at the beginning of the article, Xiaomi beats on all fronts. The Chinese company tries to cover all grocery niches, using the strength of partner companies. Thanks to its own crowd-hosting platform, the company buys a lot of interesting start-ups. We already told you about some of their products.
The approach of Xiaomi in the availability and variety of products. The goal of Xiaomi is clearly that every consumer has at least one product of the company. And it does not matter what it will be: computer glasses, smartphone, electric scooter or sneakers.
4: Products-Analogs, For Which Not Ashamed
In the product line Xiaomi there are decent devices that perform their tasks as well as gadgets from Cupertino. For example, you can recall the pleasant headphones Xiaomi Piston, which will please its sound, and are three times cheaper than Apple EarPods. Or smart notebooks of the Mi Notebook series that can compete with the MacBook line.
Well, and recently presented a fitness bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band 3 generally breaks sales records. The company sold a million units of Mi Band 3 in just 17 days. Apple is silent about the success of sales of specific models of Apple Watch.
Xiaomi on any Apple product can give its answer. And it will cost adequate money, without space surcharges for the brand.
5: Reasonable Price, Which Does Not Scare
Almost all products Xiaomi, which can be bought today, pleased with their prices. Practical Chinese offer flagship solutions, which are not much inferior to Apple products.
The new top-end smartphone Xiaomi Mi8 with a smart display and a mass of technology on board costs only 37 thousand rubles. This is twice cheaper than the iPhone X, whose price at the start of sales shocked its inadequacy.
Apple every year makes the prices of its products higher and higher. Sometimes without any reasonable reason. Sooner or later it will start to scare off buyers. The approach to educating customer loyalty Xiaomi is due to the variety of gadgets, their reliability and low price.
An alternative approach that is seriously different from the ideas of Apple marketers, but this is no less effective. The whole "WAR" is ahead.
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